Banner guidelines

Feb 15, 2006 11:43

This came up in one of the banner posts recently, and I now realize that this should have been addressed sooner. Hindsight and all that rot.

If you are a first-time banner maker, I'd like to take a moment to thank you for signing on. Your help is greatly appreciated! Once you have your first set of banners done, leave a comment to this post with your email address stating that you have finished your banners so a mod can email you the photobucket account information. We ask that all banners be uploaded to the ccs_awards photobucket account so we don't run the risk of banners being deleted later on, and so that mods can keep track of the banners that have been done while giving new banner artists inspiration or examples of what to do. After we have been properly notified, you will also be given posting access to the community, so theoretically you should be able to post even before you receive the account information.

The mods at ccs_awards prefer that all banners be the standard size of 300x100 pixels. Remember that while this is a volunteer opportunity, banners are to be made with the thought that they will be used by other people, so putting forth your best effort and putting aside personal opinions is your best bet in making a banner.

For easy access, here is a chronological description of how banners should be posted along with their guidelines.
First of all, banners must be 300x100 pixels in dimension. Stylistically, they may be done however the banner artist feels fit so long as they meet the size requirements. After completing the banners, first time artists must reply to this screened post with their email address to receive the photobucket account information, where banners will be uploaded into the 'banner' base folder. Please be sure to name banners with the thought that many other people will upload into the same folder- hence, filenames such as 'ccs_first.ext' are not recommended. Posting may be done however the artist feels fit as long as the banners themselves are placed under a cut and the recipients and weeks are clearly visible in the main post.

Again, thank you everyone for your time and effort! For convenience's sake, please direct all questions to this post. Once the community's new layout is uploaded, this post will be linked on the main page for easy access.

announcements + surveys, banners

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