Week 49 Submissions

Jan 22, 2006 22:12

Hey, everyone. I have nothing witty to say, so I'll get on with it, eh? It's time for...

Week 49: Royal

Wide interpretation is encouraged, and text is not necessary. Crowns, scepters, thrones, princesses, queens, princes, kings, castles, regality, snobbiness, or any phrase relating to royalty will do. (ie, "Queenly," "King of the World," or "Crowning Glory")

I work on Friday (I think...) so you'll have a few hours extra for submitting entries. Entries are due to this screened post by Friday, January 27th, at 9pm PST. Be sure they fit LJ standards (100x100 px and a maximum of 40k) and rules in the Userinfo. I'm looking forward to your pretties!

week 49, submission

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