week 42 theme

Dec 03, 2005 11:38

I'm always late these days! Well, at least it's not Monday, I guess =p

Week 42 theme: Items

Here's a theme I've been wanting to do for a while. For this week's theme, the icon must feature a trademark item of some sort. Any character can be in the icon, but the focus of it must be the item. So what kind of items am I talking about? Here's a small (but horribly incomplete) list:

Book of Clow
Clow Staff
Book of Sakura
Sakura Staff
Eriol's staff
ANY of the Clow Cards
Tomoyo's camcorder
Sakura's skates

There's many more, but those are there to give you an idea of what's needed.

You may submit one icon that meets the following requirements: icons may be no more than 40kb in size and 100x100 in width. In other words, it must be available for use on LiveJournal with no alterations. Icons may be in cameo format. For example, an icon with Yuuko (xxxHoLic) holding the Clow Staff is perfectly acceptable.


URL: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v511/ccs_awards/info/Ccs002.gif

Icons are due by Friday, December 9th at 9:00pm.

week 42, submission

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