May 31, 2003

Nov 11, 2021 10:40

Okay yeah I'm putting up a new layout tommarow curtosy of Kaye. I <3 the layout she made. She makes SUCH great layouts. Also, Stephanie made me a kick ass layout too. You like me! You REALLY REALLY like me! lol I went to the mall today. I bought 2 shirts and I got the Crush ( finding nemo ) doll from the Disney Store. I "heart" crush. He's soooo effin awsome! It's so hott in herre. I've been waiting to use that line ever since last summer lmfao. I'm so peeved! Aaron Carter isn't coming anywhere near Rhode Island. What's up with that? He's like doing 4 concert in NJ but none in like RI or Mass. Or even Conn. for that matter. Aaron, I'm ashamed of you. lmfao I'm getting a guestbook soon! WHOOHOO!! - Does the macarana. - Ugh I'm SO not looking forward to going back to school. BOO! It's a crap hole. It's one giant crap hole. But eh I guess I can stand it for what..another 12 days? Then I'm OUTTA THERE! NO MORE CRANSTON EAST!!!! WHOOP WHOOP! PARTY OF HERRE! Then, I'm off to School One. WEEE! I'm going to have SO much fucking fun there lol I think I'm getting a digital camera soon. I'm going to have SO much fun with it! I'm like going to walk around taking pics of like Pigeons lmfao. Theirs this Pigeon that sits outside on the ledge near my Science class. Me & Kyle call him Fred. It's so funny how we talk about it like he's a person. Tonight, I'm going to plug Chris. Why? Because he's my whore. lmfao No but he's such a cool kid.

high school, 2003, y2k, finding nemo, web design, disney store, aaron carter, blog, web admin, teenager, 14, typos, journal, 00s

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