April 19, 2003

Nov 11, 2021 10:28

Oh my gosh I like havn't updated what so ever. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm usually updating my live journal though..if you want the info for that just e-mail me. Also, I just saw the lizzie mcguire movie. I won passes from a local radio station. It was such a great movie! Had a great twist in it too! But, sorry I'm not going to give it away! New layout coming soon. Lol. I can't get any hostee info for a while. I lost my password for the cpanal login for cyberpixels. I asked for it, they gave it to me but it doesn't work. I'm pissed lol I have like a new hostee coming too. I won lots of stuff at the premiere lol I won 2 posters, 2 frisbees, 6 tickets to the circus and a lizzie mcguire photo album. I knew like all the questions. And I asked some to, when they ran out of questions to ask. I felt so cool lol It was great movie. I loved it to death. I love Ethan. He's so funny and stupid lol I LOVE it. Anyways, that's all for tonight lol I'm getting my braces off tommarow! :)

high school, 2003, y2k, what a twist, braces, blog, myspace, web admin, the lizzie mcguire movie, lizzie mcguire, 14, journal, 00s

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