Dec 31, 2009 17:49
This Christmas was abominable. New Year's isn't looking much better. The core problem is being saddled with an exhausting workload due to the annual flood of festive tourists.
Note to tourists; fuck off. I'm fed up of catering to your neurotic needs, your on-mass, unthankful attitudes. This is such a lovely town the other 50 weeks of the year you're not here. I love Taupo, but because it's such a 'tourist mecca' I don't think I can handle my world being turned upside down so many times a year, so I'll retreat somewhere else.
Somewhere backwater, way down deep in the South Island. I think all I really need in life is a quiet patch of dirt to call my own, my husband, and internet access. Life wasn't meant to be like this.
The town may love the tourist dollar, but I don't. Go away.
Happy new year guyz.