Yep, I've sadly neglected the 30 Days of Who. I know, I know -- you've been hitting this site every day, wondering when I'd post something. Well I've decided to take care of the rest of the list (items 8 - 30) and just get it over with. Life goes on, etc. Let's just start:
Day 08 - A Who-Related Photo That Makes You Happy
Gosh, that's a bit much to hang on a photo. Let's just say this means "a photo I like" and that is quite a few. I'll pick one I happen to have on my hard drive:
Look at that GQMF. Rowr.
Day 09 - A Who-Related Photo That Makes You Angry/Sad
No Who photo makes me really sad (well, maybe old ones of Two as Patrick Troughton is NO MOAR), so let's go with angry. I saw a LiveJournal avatar (those little images LJ users have in their profiles and show up in their comments and so on) that was a fanart of Ten and ROES cuddling a little blond baby between them. It made me want to set things on fire. Okay, that wasn't exactly a photo -- how about any photo collage made from the OH NOES END OF TRAGIC LOVE AFFAIR scene at the end of Doomsday. Bonus kill! points for having sentimental lines from a mushy pop song in a fancy font in the image. I'm not sullying my site with any of the above images, by the way. You'll have to look them out for yourself.
Day 10 - A Who-Related Photo That You Took
I... haven't taken any that I can think of. Since I don't live in England/Wales I don't have access to film sets or police phone boxes. I could take a picture of my dvds of seasons 2 and 3, but why?
Day 11 - Your Favorite Season (Classic or New)
Well let's see. Whatever season it was that Four and Romana were travelling about together, and the ones before that where Four and Sarah Jane Smith were the Tardis team. I'd like to say this current (just past) season is also a favorite, but I've only seen the first five episodes! (Or four if you count Flesh and Stone/Time of Angels as one episode.) But it will probably be in there once I see the rest.
Day 12 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
It tickled my fancy to create a
Tumblr blog dedicated to bringing back Gallifrey.
Day 13 - Your Favorite Villain
The Master. He started out as a standard moustache-twirling, evil-laugh-uttering, do-evil-just-for-the-LULZ megalomaniac, but there is the possibility of a much more complex character under all that.
Day 14 - The Villain Who Scared You the Most
Hm. I can't say any of the villains in Who have ever "scared" me -- a few of them have been sort of unnerving. Many of them have turned out simply to be misunderstood or misguided more than evil. I suppose I'd have to say the worst one would be Borusa. In the two (I think) previous episodes he was in, he was the Doctor's ally and somewhat of a mentor, and though the usual crusty old Time Lord he was generally supposed to be a good guy. Then in The Five Doctors he goes psycho. Good turned to evil to me is scarier than any standard cackling evil villain, or even your plain old criminal villain.
Day 15 - Favorite Who-Related Tumblr
Mine. And soon to be another favorite,
this other one of mine. So it's a little egotistical -- so what? All the other blogs seem to have a ROES infestation.
Oh, okay, if I have to pick one that isn't mine, here are two whose entries I like seeing in my dash:
Moff Tiem Nao and
Enmity of the Ages.
Day 16 - Your Favorite Who-Related FanFic
I don't read a lot of it because most fan-fic, well... but
this one is very well done. (Warning: possibly NSFW slash though not explicit.)
Day 17 - A Piece of Who-Related FanArt
Heh heh. There's one I really like but it's definitely NSFW.Pink dress. Bondage. That's all I'm saying.
Ahem. Anyway, to keep things decent around here, I love
this Edward Goreyesque (not "Tim Burton-esque) drawing of the First Doctor and either Sisan or later companion
Dodo Chaplet hanging out with
non-canon Peter Cushing Doctor and non-canon Susan.
Day 18 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
It tickles my fancy to allow people to
submit to my new
Bring Back Gallifrey Tumblr blog.
Day 20 - The Character Who Is Most Like You
Um... none of them, really. I haven't the slightest bit of courage or adventuresomeness in my body. I think at minimum you need that to be in the Doctor's universe. I suppose, though, that some aspects of my personality are like the Doctor's. I am often cranky; opinionated; think well of my own intelligence (whether justified or not); am secretly not as secure as I seem to be, but I can bluff it. Also I have the attention span of a gnat, and can't stand fitting myself into others' routines.
Day 21 - Your Doctor Who OTP
Doctor + Tardis = 4evah. And don't you forget it.
Day 22 - A Who-Related Fan-Site
Why I have one right
Day 23 - A Who-Related YouTube Video
Uh... look one up yourselves, children; I'm not advertising Youtube today.
Day 24 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
As a break from the constant advertising of my
site, here's a picture I like:
Yeah, I'm getting kind of tired.
Day 25 - Favorite Who Actor
Gosh that's difficult. There are a lot of them. In no particular order: Matt Smith, David Tennant, Bernard Cribbins, Tom Baker, Noel Clarke (who I will remind you played the excellent and underappreciated Mickey).
Day 26 - Favorite Who Actress
Liz Sladen! Also Lalla Ward and Mary Tamm (the two Romanas). Classic Who actresses seem to have something the current ones lack, though Karen Gillan is the best of the NuWho girl companions.
Day 27 - An Episode You Wish Hadn’t Been Made
Oh God. The list. Let's see... of what I've seen so far of NuWho, the world would be a better place if Journey's End had never been made. So much fail was embedded therein... The Stolen Earth might as well come along for the ride. We have ROES IS BACK, a romantic meadow run in the middle of a Dalek invasion (really, the Doctor deserved to be shot), a fake regeneration, clone Doctor from Donna and a hand (it's a good thing the Doctor never "mated" with her -- his DNA is apparently so easily reproduced that he'd have gotten octuplets on her), the Doctor throughout JE acting totally out of character (taking Davros' Hannibal Lecture like he agreed with it, mind-wiping Donna, depositing ROES and Clone Doctor in another universe like he couldn't wait to get rid of them-- wait, that is in character). Anyway, I'd have been happy if most of that season was never made.
Then from earlier in NuWho, that weird "Doctor Lite" episode Love & Monsters. What the fuck was that, a failed Torchwood script? Yo, Who writers -- this is a kid's show, not a place for you to play with your Unreliable Narrator fetish.
Day 28 - An Episode Idea You Created Yourself
Er, none really, but I have this whole scenario in my head about how they need to
bring back Gallifrey.
Day 29 - Who You Think Should Be the Next Doctor
I have no idea. I'm still settling into Matt Smith (or I wish I was, fnarr fnarr). Otherwise I don't follow British actors so I don't know who could possibly qualify.
Day 30 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
There's this campaign I've heard about, to
bring back Gallifrey... Okay folks, I'm done!
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