Thanksgiving Sanskrit in the Lounge

Oct 09, 2017 10:29

Thank goodness for something worthwhile to do on Thanksgiving. For the past bit, I've had the Classics Society lounge to myself, and so I've been working on my transliteration skills. Literacy skills will come decidedly later. But, at least I'm beginning to recognize most of the Sanskrit script, asides from a few very odd compound consonants.

Pallas, I'm wishing, has gotten through the weekend in one piece. We haven't spoken in a pair of weeks, though I wrote her a letter of comfort and support. I've no idea if she received it or not. It's also hard to say whether it is better for her to be with her parents or not this weekend. I can only propose to myself that the fact that she didn't reach out to me is a sign that she didn't feel that she needed to.
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