May 03, 2015 20:54
"Who doubts that he lives, and remembers, and understands, and wills, and thinks, and knows, and judges? For indeed even if he doubts, he lives; if he doubts, he remembers why he doubts; if he doubts, he understands that he doubts; if he doubts, he knows that he does not know; if he doubts, he judges that he ought not to give his consent rashly. Whosoever therefore doubts about anything else, ought not to doubt about all these things; for if they were not, he would not be able to doubt about anything." -- Augustine, On The Trinity, Ch. X, para. 14.
Augustine's reply to skepticism as an intellectual commitment - twelve-hundred years in advance of Descartes, and seventeen-hundred years in advance of Heidegger's Being & Time.