Jan 31, 2004 16:21
So, yeah..uhmmmm...well lets see what's new here;
First off, I'm sorry ladies but I am officially off the market for a while at least, the girl I had been dating brought up the exclusivity of our relationship and well, we've both decided to take the next step, to the label of "we are now a couple", which I am, as you probably are, surprised in my deciding to agree to this. I haven't been in a "relationship" in over a year, and I was fine with that. But hey I'll give it a try for a while and see how it goes...
My roommate is all confused, I think...why you might ask...because I unlike him don't have sex on the brain every waking moment. Actually that's a lie, I'm a guy of course I do, but I don't let it run my life as well as my relationships...yes it is true I have been seeing this girl for a month, but come on, the first 2 weeks were the "feel out the borders" period...so what was my point you may ask? My point is last night she actually did want to have sex, and made me fully aware of her intentions, but something strange happened. something I can not explain, I turned into a 14 year old, all fidgety and whatnot and declined. She didn't seam to be bothered by it either, (this is the point where you say " what the fuck?") and all I can say is...I don't know...perhaps it was the fact that it has been a while, or perhaps its the fact that she heard rumors that I bring girls home all the time and I kind of wanted to prove those rumors unfounded, or maybe its the fact that in my old age I have finally found a strange respect for the act of sex, which I hadn't had in my youth...wow I'm rambling...let's move on....
So the Yeah Yeah Yeahs...I'm watching TV and their video came on....and I was like "what the fuck?" Once again a band I loved is now a nationally known act...its always just so strange when that happens....but Karen O just wreaks of sex in that video....as per usual....so I cant complain...to boot the new album is quite good...If you haven't checked it out you should, and let me know what you think...
Work is fine, I have a new student who owns the tattoo shop across from my night job and we're trading voice lessons for tattoos. (which, "hell if its free I'm all about it")....and luckily in this case it is...so that's a highlight for me...
My night job at the bar is good too...we haven't all jelled yet as a team but yeah...its getting there, and I'm designing the new site for that job too...when its up I'll post the link and would love feedback...
Lastly....this whole post has been a rambling of thoughts, and most definitely the strangest post I've had in a long time...but I now realize that's kinda where I'm at right now....I'm all over the place...and I'm not entirely sure why...is it me? is it my surroundings? is it my actions? perhaps my situation? I can't put my finger on it, and its pissing me off...
But other than that, things are good, I think, I hope at least....we shall see....hope things are good with all of you.
Any questions, comments complaints, you know where to find me...
And with that I bid you adieu