Philadelphians! Election Day is Tuesday, and that means that the city's registered Democrats get to exercise their power to select their next mayor and most of City Council. Our government is notoriously mediocre at most things, but areas in which they have consistently failed over the last many decades is the safeguarding of the quality of life on our streetscapes, and the safe and fair allocation of space on those streets.
The 5th Square PAC was founded this past winter, with the goal of ending the logjam by persuading our city's politicians
to do better by the people of this city, and to replace those who cannot be persuaded.
I am proud to serve as one of twelve members of the 5th Square Advisory Board, and am really excited for the future of this city.
The 5th Square has endorsed the following candidates in this spring's Democratic primary:
For City Council At-Large: SHERRIE COHEN
For City Council At-Large: HELEN GYM
For City Council At-Large: PAUL STEINKE
For City Council At-Large: TOM WYATT
For City Council Second District: ORI FEIBUSH
Additionally, we have endorsed the following candidates in the Republican primary:
For City Council At-Large: TERRY TRACY
For City Council At-Large: MATT WOLFE
The most important thing is to show up to the polls on Tuesday; four years ago, the Second District primary was determined by 46 votes. However, if you want to help us out with getting out the vote,
please fill out our volunteer form. If you'd like to help us out financially (our budget is literally 1% the size of some of the other committees out there), go ahead and hit up
our donation page.
(Technical note: the links on this page have a tracking code. That's not tracking you, it's tracking me. Just in case you were worried.)
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