So in my next-to-the-last post, I introduced this strange-looking fellow:
Meet Dawson. He is the imaginary friend I made for Cartoon Network's "Fosters Big Fat Awesome House Party" online game they put up around May. I actually made him about two months ago, but for some reason I haven't introduced him until now. ^^
In BFAHP, you do daily chores around the house and favors for other friends in able to open up certain games in the arcade room and recieve prizes for your friend, such as hats, pictures, decorations for their bedroom, and "buddies" made by Goo (they just introduced this one, so Dawson doesn't have any buddies yet). To open up the games and their levels, your popularity bar has to reach the top. There are two ways to do this.
The first is to get your citizenship bar to the top and have an adventure with Bloo (he fills up a good amount of your popularity bar). The second is to do favors for Wilt, Mac, Frankie and Edwardo. In turn they do your bidding when you call them and fill up the citizenship bar for you. Because you only do three chores a day, however, it takes forever to do this. =(
Which leads me to what I dislike about the entire game. Besides what I just mentioned, it gets REALLY buggy. For example, I was playing a game on BFAHP called "Shutterbug." I got up to level 50 with 50000 points, further than anyone on the top ten list, but then the damn thing freezes on me. Not only did I lose all of my prizes, I no longer had any place on Shutterbug's top ten player list. This was not the first time this has happened. >< It's not my computer. Everything else works, and almost everyone I have read on message boards has this problem.
Back to Dawson. The prizes for your friend's bedroom seems to have a theme depending on the game, so you get some amounts of furniture on Level 1, some on Level 2, etc. Well, I've only opened the second level on three games and played the first all the others, so almost nothing in his room matches. XD
EDIT: I now have 105 icon slots. Time to choose some icons.