
Dec 28, 2007 13:05

 "Of all the diversions of life, there is none so proper to fill up its spaces as the reading of useful and entertaining authors." Joseph Addison

Well, it's been just over a month on LJ for me and I am starting to feel very comfortable, even after my initial shaky start. So many great things to read and to see. So many wonderful people and communities to get to know. I've ventured out and added a few other interests to my profile. Nothing much, but a slightly wider scope of stuff. Overall, I'm a bit boring I think.

It has been nice to find a place where there are people with similar interests and obsessions and where I can follow these obsessions/interests unashamedly. I've only this past week confessed to my husband that I have this journal so I've endured a small bit of teasing this week. Now I can tease about the LOST blogs he reads. Ha!

Hope everyone has had a lovely holiday and that all who are travelling are safe and well.
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