Aug 02, 2014 10:24
The reason I haven't posted here is typing has been very painful since April 24th. Very painful means having to lie down in bed for half an hour after typing five minutes.
I've had four sets of spinal injections since then. Some improvement. Next will be radio frequency burning of the nerves. I'm consulting with a neurosurgeon, but before I can do that, I have to nail down NY State Medicaid. Under disability, you are automatically entitled to pay for Medicaid as supplemental coverage, but most States throw up every imaginable bureaucratic obstacle trying to keep you off the roles, because that way they can keep the money.
That was what Obamacare was really all about. They did a lousy job explaining it. I'll try.
"Right now, your State gets millions of dollars each year from the US Government to cover health insurance for poor and disabled people plus certain other categories. The reason you've never heard of this is any money your State doesn't spend on people who need it, they get to keep. So, Republican or Democrat, you really ought to be for this program because the money's already being spent, it's been spent for decades and your State stole practically all of it. At least the money ought to help someone."
I'm going to post a bunch of crazy things. First off: the OKCupid ad I'd write, never having seen one.