i'm lost

Apr 03, 2007 22:04

I've been like really spacey lately! I haven't wrote in my lj in forever because I haven't been doing anything except work...if you think I do a lot of it now...wait til I start my second job :)!! But on March 26, ELISA TURNED 21!!! I got off at 12 and by the time I got to her house everyone was drunk...elisa is very good at singing rap songs because you can all tell she's a yo!

So I finally got my new tires for my car yesterday because my parents kept saying that I REALLY needed them or I was going to die in a car accident or maybe something a bit less dramatic but thats how I interpreted it! I made my dad go out to eat with me at Red Lobster (he hates to go out to eat!) Then he paid for me even though he let me borrow 40 dollars the day before because I hadn't got my new atm card yet.

I got that yesterday...and I still haven't gotten my new pin number...i'll miss my old one :/. I guess I don't need a pin number unless I want to go to an atm...which I don't because if I have cash...I just spend it.

I went to food lion today and bought all kinds of food :). I got cereal too which I've been wanting for forever...and of course i had to get scrapple and tunafish cause i can't live without it!

Oh yeah I got another job! Penny (my boss) works at the dough rollers on 70th st in OC, and ritas is right beside it and she said they needed ppl so I applied since i used to work at the one in SBY! They hired me and I start in a few weeks!! I'm excited...although I know I'll end up hating it cause I hate rt 90 and OC...luckily its North OC! Thats all for now, I'm gonna play the sims!
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