Jun 25, 2005 15:34
Well yesterday was definitely one of the greatest days.. (haha Well for the most part anyways) I woke up to a nice quiet house after of course I didnt get to bed til like 2 in the morning because I was talking to people online and having some of the most interesting conversations in the world.. Some things I was not looking to hearing but I got it anyway.. But anyway, I woke up and got ready for work.. I love how they tell you that you will be monitoring calls and taking some and then you meet your coach and they decide that you are going to be taking calls for the whole 4 hours and not listening to a damn one!!! Everyone else got to listen in because their coaches got bored.. Too freakin bad mine didnt!! The first couple of calls blew big ass time because I had NO IDEA what I was doing.. But as the day went on I started to get pretty comfortable and talking to my buddy Josh that is in my training class helped too.. The guys in that class are the best.. I mean how often would someone offer to give you a ride home (haha I locked my keys in my car in covington) when they have only known you for like a week and a half? They are the greatest!!
Anyways.. after I got off work I came home.. Eventually Beth got off of work and came over. We talked for I dont know how long about how our days went and other random stuff that has been bugging us. After we finally got done venting we hopped in my daddys truck and headed out to get food and movies. We stopped at County Market to get some pop and food and Scotty was working.. As soon as we got to the door he was like "Hi there sexy ladies" I love that kid he is so awesome!!! But then we picked up some movies (saw Derrick Billings for the first time in forever) and then we left Aaron Angel a note on his car.. We picked up some White Castle and headed home.. Kevin dropped off Andrew and so we popped in Hitch.. AWESOME AWESOME movie.. then Emily came over for a while.. Andrew ran home.. Not the smartest thing he coulda done seeing as how it was dark and these roads are not the greatest out here.. But he did it anyways.. I talked to him on the internet when he got home and then Beth wound up passing out after Emily left.. And then stupid me had to start texting someone and the last thing I said to him was well it doesnt matter anymore because I will leave you alone and never bug you again and you will probably never see me either.. So that was a lovely way to end my night.. So much for that one.. Maybe it will help now that I wont have any reason to keep thinking about that situation..
Today I woke up to like 3 phone calls from Emily.. heh none of which I answered.. (whoops) And I also missed a phone call from Jared.. However, he called back later and I answered it then.. He wants me to go visit him wherever he is camping but I just dont feel like driving all that way by myself.. and besides Andrew has to come pick up his cd's and Beth is coming back after she gets off of work tonight I think.. But until any of that happens I really dont have anything to do so I guess I could go out to see Jared but I just dont know.. He told me to call him if I decided to and I said maybe but he is convinced that I will go out there... What a loser.. lol.. So yeah who knows what the hell I am going to wind up doing tonight.. Hopefully something before Beth gets here but prolly nothing.. O well.. No biggie.. Nothing new!!