Jun 08, 2005 18:19
So today was officially my LAST day at Empress.. You know I never thought I would be sad to leave that place, but in actuality I am kinda sad... I'm gonna miss most of the people that work there.. Some of them.. haha yeah wont miss at all.. But I have already been yelled at to come visit every thursday either before or after my class.. Gotta love Ann!! They all bought me a cake today too! That's what killed me.. They tried to make it a surprise but Lauren sucks at keeping me in one spot.. lol.. Anyways.. I have been talking to Ricky a little bit lately.. It's nice just to talk since it took almost a week to get beck to that.. But I dont know if I screwed that up by what I brought up last night.. After a week I just had to ask what happened to break us up.. All I got was that it wasnt me it was him.. I dont know how much I believe that but thats what I got so I am just taking that in.. We might get back together.. not too sure though.. If we do it wont be for a while after the two of us work things out by ourselves.. I know he has to get some things straight.. so we will see how everything works out.. Right now I am not looking to get together with anyone else until the two of us can get things straight.. So I am going out with the girls alot and having myself some good times... HAHA!! O yeah!!