Sep 05, 2007 08:27
The Next few weeks are going to be stressful but they may go by quickly...
I start class one time I was excited, not so much anymore. I'll be working 7 shifts a week spread across 5 days probably giving me almost 40 hours a week and then three classes Tues, Thurs. I will no longer know the meaning of the word free time.
My mom called me at 7:30 this morning...Alltel shut our phones off. My mom needed my banking info to get it turned back on, so I do still have a cell phone. She's a stubborn woman... Vern fell off a ladder last night. He was about 8 feet in the air and ended up breaking his lower back. I feel I should be home helping with something...not that I'm sure what I can do. I know nothing about the business and can't do the heavy lifting Vern probably did at one time but no longer can do for the next few months. Back to why my mom is stubborn, she won't let me pay the phone bill. Who knows how long before they won't have money coming in and who knows how much the hospital bill and ambulance bill will be. They don't have insurance.
Lately things just haven't been going well.
I'm not sure what is wrong with me right now.