Title: Cold Crush Gate [7/7]
ccgensouGenre: Angst/sap/romance
Rating: PG-13
Band: The GazettE
Pairing: Reita/Ruki
Summary: Reita's cold, unloving facade makes Ruki break up with him, but it seems like no one really wants it to end. So is there any way to break through Reita's shell caused by fear to show his real feelings, and that way mend their
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You - It's, I mean - Oh dear. *nervous laugh* I don't know what to say. I'm trying to grasp for words to express what I feel, but I think I'm failing. Thank you so very much. <3 Really, you're too kind.
Ahh, and about that... It was coincidence, actually. *scratches head* I thought about changing the title in the beginning, but then decided to leave it be. *laughs at self*
Really? Haha, it's fitting. Cold Crush Gate is your longest and (I don't know if this is accurate but it sort of feels that way...?) most popular fanfiction, so... I'm glad you didn't change it though. Cold Crush Gate just sort of rolls off the tongue. Cooold Cru-SHUH GaTE. Very fun to say. C:
*smiles* You're weird. *pokes fondly*
Hehe, I know. <3 Ain't it grand?
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