Was tagged by
6 random things:
I don't like drawing. (...)
I'm a part of the Swedish writers club VPFPH. <.<
I'm addicted to coca-cola. (My nickname is Coke. Heh. I should be fat, but I'm not. xD)
I haven't been to school in... weeks.
My sister says she envies me; but I envy my sister. o.0
My self-confidence is so bad that people are starting to get annoyed by it.
That's all. I'm so boring, am I not? xD
Oh, and... I tag no one. o.o; Simply because I don't know enough people on LJ to tag. XD *snorts and waves newbie flag*
Anyway. <.<
Current writing-projects:
- The gakuhai of doom.
- ShouxHiroto (writing by hand)
- ReitaxRuki, RukixUruha short-story
- Reituki one-shot
- ReitaxUruha one-shot
- ReitaxRuki, ReitaxUruha story
- etc. o.o;
Back to writing, ne? *runs off*
Cheers. ♥
EDIT: Oh, yeah, by the way. My sister said before that I write better than I draw. To those who've seen my art, is this true?