My vampire story "Lucy, In Her Splendor" has been translated into Estonian for the webzine Algernon: Algernon has been published as a labor of love since 1998, and is named for "Flowers for Algernon," which was the title of the only SF collection by western authors available under the Soviet regime. "Lucy" was originally published by
stevenagy in MarsDust and then reprinted in Best New Horror 16 and By Blood We Live, but this is its first translation. My thanks to Algernon editor Juhan Habicht, who asked me about reprinting this story, and to Silver Sära for translating it.
The most interesting part of the process (to me) was explaining Lucy's lakefront screened-in porch for the translator, since in Estonia porches are either finished with glass on the one hand or mosquito netting (sometimes gauze) on the other. Rather than try to explain american-style screens, I said I trusted the translator to use glass or netting or whatever would be most familiar to Estonian readers. But I don't know what the final decision was!