so long tuesday...hello wednesday

Apr 04, 2006 19:46

yup its almost the end of tuesday. you ever notice how the days go so fast? it was just yesterday that i was at camp berea but in reality it was about a month and a half ago. wowza. its so weird.

today, did school. sat around for a while until 3:30 pm when i went to the church for dance practice. the Bantas brought me home around 5:15pm. i really like the dance, its really fun. then i sat around reading for like 1 1/2 hours off any on.

finished reading Pop Princess by Rachel Cohn. loved it!! wow, its hard life being a professional singer. now i'm reading another book by her called The Steps and so far this book is really good too! shes a really good writer. never read anything of hers before this.

my mom hasn't even started making dinner yet. its 7:54 pm. shes in the shower, wait she just came out so it means food should be coming soon...hopefully.

today is Andrew's 5th birthday. wow, hes growing up fast. i love that kid, hes amazing. tomorrow is study, and i can give him the pedometer that he wanted for his bday to him. the reason he wanted a pedometer was that one wednesday night that i came over, they were watching Arthur on the telly and him and Buster were using pedometers. and so he wanted one. i got Matthew one too. i have a feeling this is going to be one of those "toys" that they play with for about a day (or less) then decide its boring. lol. thats okay though. it'll be fun to watch them get all excited about it! :)

okay, i'm going to do what Joyce does...Question of the Day (QoD) : Whats your all time favorite TV Show? (comment w/answer)

Mine is hands down, LOST!! its an amazing show. i know i've said it many times, but watch it!!

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