dreams as of late

May 08, 2008 08:48

apparently i've been having some "typical" dreams lately, which is not typical for me.

Two nights ago, my teeth were rotting out of my head.
I've read two seperate interpretations: one, that it has to do with worrying about child rearing (makes sense given my circumstances).
and two, that i've been lying about something and it's about to be exposed. i'll go with the first one.

Last night, I was walking and someone weas talking to me and some others (dickey? lisa?) on the sidewalk. all these cockroaches were running around on the ground so we (i) smashed them. Then later, we found a huge chinese dragon (like for a parade) lying on the ground but it was all beaten up- torn, dirty, wet and gross and dickey didn't want to touch it so we left it.

your task: find out what the cockroaches mean. what do they represent? what did me smashing them mean?
What does the dragon represent? What does its disheveled state represent?
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