Update on Life- I'm still kicking!

Feb 23, 2009 19:58

     Not another ruptured spleen! Just lame excuses for my absence. I've been around plenty, I just haven't felt like there is anything worth writing about.

I've been starting the graduate school process. It is frustrating to not have much control over where I am going to live and I find it to be incredibly stressful. I'm working on applications for all over the country. I could live in Davis, CA or Maryland. Florida or Michigan. GAH! I like undergrad. I said.." I want no more snow! TN it is!".

Shockingly, the work itself doesn't scare me. I'm taking mostly  graduate courses, am doing graduate level research with my tarantulas and scoprians and am taking a graduate level courseload.

Well, I need to get back to work ( and maybe watching House!) but I'll try and have a more complete update soon. I think I'll take wednesday off for my birthday, so maybe then!

Emmett, Sophie, Odin, Chance, Calvin and the evil cat all say hello!
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