Oct 06, 2008 19:35
Okay, so maybe I never had any intention of voting for him anyway. Freaking big government/ socialism...
I have to rely on government provided health care if I want it at all. I go to a state university, and use their government funded, state controlled, health care program. It had been cheaper than most other plans when I signed up for it, and I had accidentally assumed this was a break for students, not a lack of quality. Well this morning I woke up and it looked like I had literally hemorrhaged during the night. When I stood up I was still actively bleeding. I've been taking birth control since I was 16, so I'm very regular and should be 13 days away from the start of my period, so it's not that. I went to clean myself up, and when I went to the bathroom I realized I was also bleeding out of my gums. After doing what I could, my horrified boyfriend and I decided I should go straight to the health center and get looked at. On the way there I started having horrible muscle cramps in my abdomen and the back of my neck.
He had to go take an exam so he was only able to drop me off, but I went in and told the woman I needed to be a walk in and be seen ASAP. She asked me what my symptoms were, and then proceeded to tell me I just had my period and I should go home, take some midol and put heat on my abdomen. I asked her when the last time she had bled out of her gums for her period was, because that was not normal for me. She told me I may have just ground my teeth in my sleep. At this point I was really cranky and annoyed so I asked her when she had gotten her medical degree and why she had chosen to be a secretary instead. She just blushed and said it would be 5 hours before the doctor could see me and I should just go home. I looked around at the EMPTY clinic and then told her if she didn't beleive I needed to be seen I could show her right then and there how much I was bleeding, and she just looked at me until I started to unbutton my pants. It was then, and ONLY then did she admit that there were actually no doctors there at all. There had been a mistake that let all of the doctors have all the mornings off this week. Instead of CALLING one of them and telling them to come in though, the clinic just decided they could save some cash and not have them come in. They could stall anyone in the AM until the afternoon. ?????!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!? I just stood there bleeding for 10 minutes arguing with this woman because she wouldn't tell me no doctors were in?! I could have at the ER by then! There were some very harsh words, followed by a demand for an ambulence because by that point I had started to bleed though my pants.
Anyway, by the time I got to the ER the bleeding had stopped, but I DID get to be seen right away since I was a bloody mess *woot!*. They found nothing wrong with me, no obvious causes for bleeding...but took what they needed for about 8545325632524235435253 tests. Most of them came back fine, but there are a few I'll need to wait for tomorrow on. They think I DID have a bad reaction to my birth control, which apparently can happen sometimes, and for some unknown reason make your gums bleed. They told me to stop taking it until I seem to have a normal period, and then start again on another kind. I'm also not supposed to panic if in 2 weeks I don't have a period because I probably, spontaiously just shed all the blood today. They let me go home because I seemed to be fine, and stayed stable all afternoon.
On the plus side, I did get to the barn on time to meet my farrier AND catch 3 black widows for my thesis! Haha!
So, to summarize: Barry, I hate your ideas. Please let me keep my health care privatized! I don't mind paying to avoid incompetance!