Because I was tagged by
First: if you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
Second: tag eight sexy people. don't refuse to do that like a pansy. Unless you really don't want to of course. And if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do!
Favorite song right now: I'll keep on dreaming by Stream of passion.
Last movie you watched: Did you like it? A-team and yes, it was fun.
3 things that are super annoying at the moment: That the vacation goes by so quickly, that I get sore hips from walking with my dog, machines that don't understand me.
3 random facts about yourself: I talk to myself, I recently found out I probably have ADD, I always go to bed way past midnight.
What makes you happy? My family, my hobby's and of course my little doggie.
Name 2 items nearest to you: The computer, glass of water.
2 things you're excited for this year:I finally have a dog, our 30th wedding anniversary in November, we go away for a weekend with our daughters, the boyfriend of one of them and my dad.
Your favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla.
Guiltiest pleasure movie: Hook, a fantasy movie with Robin Williams, I just love it.
What movie have you seen the most? Lord of the rings.
If you could rescue any animal, what would it be and would you keep it. The tigers, and no, I would not keep them, they have to be free.
Worst movie you've ever seen: La grande beouf, the only movie I didn't sit out till the end.
Best way to relax: My hobbies, doesn't matter which one, reading, drawing, needlework, whatever.
Favorite quote/lyric: Just remember, if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter: Spring, because of better weather and trees and plants coming back to life again.
Say something to the person who tagged you: Hi, thanks for tagging me. :-)
Anyone who wants to do this too, consider yourself tagged.