Supernatural: Origins

May 02, 2007 20:54

Do you know what today is?  Yes!  It's the day the first Supernatural comic book goes on sale!  I know - how exciting is that???  My co-worker Jedi Mike has connections at a local comic book store, so I asked him to reserve a copy for me.  You know, in case they sold out.  Which totally could have happened!  But it didn't.  I dragged him to pick it up this afternoon,and there were plenty of copies on the shelf.  Obviously I narrowly beat the mob of crazed fangirls that I'm sure was making its way to the store as we left......surely I was not the only person in town that ran out to get my copy today!  Right???

So I read the comic while Jedi Mike was actually looking around the store.....apparently they sell things other than Supernatural comics.  Whatever.  I'm really not crazy about the artwork.  4-year old Dean looks about 25, and 6-month old Sam just looks like a giant mutant baby.  John looks....wierd.  Not at all John-like.  Missouri looks cool, although I have to say that between this and her performance in the episode "Home", she is either a really crappy psychic, or she is not to be trusted.  I'm beginning to think she might not be one of the good guys, as I originally assumed.  She does make a cool entrance in the comic - I love the idea that she met John when she rescued him from getting beaten to a pulp while hustling pool.  And I love the idea that that's how John was initially dealing with his grief - leaving the kids with one of Mary's friends and going out and getting trashed and starting fights.  He's so dysfunctional.  How can you not love him?

For anyone keeping track, I have not forgotten about "Touch the Earth", I just took a little break.  I'll have the answer to question #7 in a few days.  Or so.  Expect a post about Beltane too - I'm hoping to get around to that know, while it's still Beltane season!  Oh, speaking of which - I actually went for a walk OUTSIDE today!  I was planning to go to the gym and walk on the treadmill, but the weather was so nice that I decided to explore this whole "nature" thing everyone is talking about.  I had a lovely walk at the arboretum, saw lots of pretty flowers and cool plants and angry birds.  I tried to explain to the angry birds that if they didn't want people walking near their nests, they shouldn't build them right alongside the walking path.....but I don't think they listened.  Boy, nature sure is screechy.


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