Nov 19, 2009 21:13
I always dream in color - I don't recall ever having a dream in black and white.
I'm glad I was diagnosed with sleep apnea in the spring. Not glad I have it, mind you - I'd much rather sleep without a mask! - but it's amazing to feel well-rested after so suffering from very poor sleep for so long. I'm still not a great sleeper - still wake up too soon almost every night - but the quality of sleep is so much better. I don't fall asleep at work anymore, which is a huge plus!
But (isn't there always a "but"?) I don't dream as much as I used to. Before the bi-pap machine, I went almost immediately into R.E.M. sleep and it seemed like I never hit another level of sleep all night long. It seemed like I dreamed all night, every night, very involved dreams with plot and lots of details. Not so much anymore. Of course I still dream every night, but they don't seem to be as frequent or as vivid. (And I haven't had a story-dream or fannish dream in ages. I once had a dream in which Buffy was taking a science fiction lit class in college and had to read I Am Legend. She, of course, hated the book and Spike thought it was funny that she had to read it.) I miss it. Not enough to quit using my bi-pap machine, though.
This is a dream I had back in 2004 and wrote down. It was verging on nightmare when I woke and even though I only wrote it down a month later from notes I'd made after I woke, I can still recall how it felt. I've often wished there was a way we could let other people experience our dreams themselves.
This is what I wrote when I got around to writing it down: "I remember being in Scotland, pulling small stones out of the cold, clear North Sea.* There were other people there - Star Trek characters, maybe? Dr. McCoy? Anyway, it was dark and clear and we found a sign planted in the sand which said, 'Hell Waits'. A strong wind came up and the sea began to rise. I know all kinds of creepy and evil things happened. I wish I could remember what, but I don't. We all fought and won, then one night I was walking on the shore, pulling small stones out of the North Sea and I came upon the sign once again: 'Hell Waits'. I ran, calling for (who was it?), then woke up with that awful prickly feeling on the back of my neck."
I still think about that one once in awhile and wish I could remember the details. Even though it really was creepy! And actually, a little hopeless, what with having won the battle, then everything starting all over again exactly as it had happened before.
*I've never seen the North Sea. I know it's cold but have no idea if it's clear. In my dream it was though - truly clear, like an unpolluted stream.
Do you dream in color? Plots and stories or just disjointed images? Fannish dreams?