And Now to Cheer You Up -

Nov 15, 2008 00:18

I feel like I need to make it up to everyone after posting so many sad vids in one entry - so here are a few funny - or at least fun - ones:

I'm Too Sexy - 'cause we all know who the sexiest guy on the Enterprise really is!

The Mountie Song Revisited
Love me some Due South! (So much so, that I just bought the dvds even though I own them, because I don't want to wait till April to watch them again. I'll give one set to someone - my best friend or one of my sisters, probably - that I keep trying to pimp into the show when I get my other set back.)

This one's not funny, but I love it, both the picture and the song:
Northwest Passage

Now if this one doesn't make you smile...
Joy to the World (Ahh, nobody dips like Ramone!)

William Shatner Sings to George Lucas - Gotta love William Shatner! (Unless, perhaps, you're George Takei.)


Some non-fannish vids:

The Evolution of Dance

Can't have the History of Dance without -
The History of Music

A whole new meaning to the term "snoopy dance" -
Hey Ya! Charlie Brown Style

Anyone else remember this one?
How Do You Do? I remember loving that song when I was a kid. It's peppy - and silly - and you can sing along really loudly. In the vid they look like they're having fun. I'm pretty sure this Dutch duo was a one-hit wonder in the U.S.

The next one was big when I was 6 or 7:
Sugar Sugar
You could get a flimsy 45 on the back of a box of Sugar Puffs cereal - I had one; it didn't play very well. I still love this song!


That's enough for now. Can you tell I really like YouTube? lauramcewan recommended a different video site to me awhile back; I need to go back and look it up and check it out. In the meantime, I have to get up in a few hours. I'm going with my best friend and her group of Asperger's teens to Notre Dame to pack boxes for soldiers. An afternoon with a group of teenage science fiction geeks - sounds like a blast to me!


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