Oct 15, 2021 14:41
I know October's only halfway through but this week alone has felt like it's a month long. It's been crazy busy at work, which in one way is good because the individual days pass really quickly but in another way it's not so good because at the end of the day we're all extra tired and feeling a little brain dead, and though the each day goes quickly, the weeks feel looong. We've had over two weeks of that non-stop. It's not just lots of work requests, it's a lot of people sending in documents that they just want one little thing that should only take 30 minutes when in reality they didn't know what they were doing when they created the document in the first place so it's a complete mess and doing the "quick fix" they're looking for could realistically take a few hours because we need to start over from the top. And the number of people who are emailing the department with work requests instead of following the proper procedure! (We rely on a form that allows us to log and prioritize our work and more easily keep track of which of the 5 - soon to be 6 - of us is working on what job.) Both types of things occur regularly but I've never seen so many of each come in in such a short period of time. It's like everyone's lost their minds!
That's why I'm behind on LJ right now - there's been no time to work it into my day (I usually catch up between jobs but there's been no "between jobs" for a couple weeks until now) and by the end of the day, I didn't have the mental energy to keep typing away, even on LJ.
On the plus side - word processing is working from home indefinitely. Hurray! Every one of us is happy about it - we've all discussed it over (previously) Skype and (now) Microsoft Teams and everyone's said at one time or another that they hope we never have to go back to the office. It works for our department because even when we were in our respective offices, everything we did, we did remotely. We didn't begin working remotely just because we began working from home - we always have. Our law firm has 19 offices across the country and as of next Monday, there will be 6 of us in the word processing department. (We're called word processing but that barely scratches the surface of what we do.) The 6 of us work out of 5 different offices in 4 different states in 3 time zones and I've only met one of my co-workers in person. We provide assistance from 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. EST and everything is handled through email and the office intranet. I feel very fortunate to be in the position I'm in and I will rarely complain about this job. But I would still prefer it if people would just send their stuff to us right away instead of trying to style their documents when they don't know how. And use the work request system!
Last 2 September prompts (I'm so behind on October I'm not going to try to catch up this month):
29 - What is one thing that you refuse to ever do in your lifetime?
Are we looking for something small or are we getting philosophical? I like to think I'd never murder anyone in my lifetime. On the smaller end of the scale - eating brussels sprouts or liver ever again. (Presuming I'm never in danger of literally starving to death in my lifetime.)
30 - Which one of your friends in the most outgoing?
I'm not really sure. Probably my best friend of 43 years, who works with the developmentally disabled and is a part-time Methodist minister with her own congregation - part-time meaning she's only paid for 20 hours a week but does preach every Sunday. She also meets people she knows everywhere she goes. Seriously, she was in Copenhagen and ran into someone she knew from the States! She's an introvert so she needs her recovery time (I sympathize so much) but that doesn't stop her from being outgoing, friendly, and helpful to everyone she meets.
just life; work; september prompts