Yesterday I got to wondering if vampires lack a reflection because mirrors are backed with silver and if that's the case, would they be reflected in, say, a bronze mirror? (This is where "that annoy my husband" comes in - I mentioned it to him and got a peevish "I don't know!" in return. I wasn't really asking if he knew the answer, just thinking out loud. When we watch tv and something happens and I start to conjecture, his response is usually "it's in the script". So not really the fanfic type!) I did do a little bit of googling and it seems people are divided but not evenly. There are some who think that it's the silver that prevents the reflection but most seem to think it's because vampires don't have souls, which is, I think, the traditional explanation.
Did we ever see Spike or Angel near a mirror before and after ensoulment? They were able to be photographed, right?
Also, I was watching a movie today in which someone brought a friend into the ER and the friend died there. Of course the woman who brought her was shocked and horrified and began sobbing in the corridor. Which got me to wondering - what are ER and trauma scenes in Vulcan hospitals like, especially cosmopolitan ones that might be expected to have plenty of offworlders, including humans? Are Vulcan medical personnel who can expect to deal with humans taught how to react compassionately in the face of sudden human grief? (I assume that they react compassionately to Vulcans in the same circumstances but expect that compassion would look different to a Vulcan than to a human.)
23 - What is a meme or picture you've seen recently that made you laugh?
This one that I saw on Facebook this morning. It's credited to a page called Punny Pete (but that's not where I saw it):
24 - Have you ever bought something recommended by an ad on social media before? Yes, a few things. I've bought a few Kindle books because of the ads and I've bought underwear that's really comfy and cute. There might be a few more things but I don't remember offhand.