So last night John and I initiated the start of "Letting Julia Cry It Out" to get her to sleep. This method, while seemingly cruel, apparently can work wonders if you're patient enough to give it the time it takes for it to work; generally about two weeks. I researched it yesterday morning and most of the people who talked about it said it was awful the first night (the length of time their baby cried) but then got better and better each night until their child went to sleep on their own.
John and I came home from work, had dinner, let Julia play, gave her a bath, read her some books, let her play a bit more until she started rubbing her eyes and resting her head on us, then put her in bed. This was at 9:40.
She cried for 45 minutes straight. Positively WAILING. I thought she'd be hoarse this morning. But then she went to bed at 10:20 on her own and other than a five minute period around midnight where all I had to do was stick her pacifier back in her mouth, she was still sleeping when I left this morning at 8am. Not too bad, eh?!
Of course listening to her cry was AWFUL. I mean, this girl can SCREAM. You'd have thought someone was killing her. We shut her door, turned off the monitor, turned UP Monday Night Football, and sat together to prevent the other one from going in to get her. Actually...I *did* go in once just to assure her that her dad and I were still in the house, and she calmed the minute I walked in (which made me feel AWFUL), but we stayed strong.
And it worked! I got SEVEN CONSECUTIVE HOURS of sleep. One more night like this and I might feel human again! WHEEEE!!!
Okay. Talk that's not about babies. *hee*
How ARE you all?! I miss you! I feel like it's been ages since we've chatted, or at least...since we've discussed something other than my child. Ready for the holidays? Shopping done? Cookies baked?
Tonight I'm having dinner with my father and Julia (or we are until he inevitably calls and cancels later in the day because he's back to being depressed and
nibsy I'm thinking that now we need to have separate islands for our mothers and our fathers. *grumble*
Tomorrow night I'm going to get my hair highlighted. New salon, new girl, but my friend Megan goes to her and her hair looks FABULOUS, so I'm going on faith that mine will as well. If I don't come home with funky red chunks I'm going to be uber-pissy and may have to declare war on the hair industry.
This weekend... Grad Group Christmas party on Saturday, which should be fun. Other than that, nothing special. What about you guys? What's been going on? Got big plans, fun stuff coming up?