Feb 09, 2005 23:44
it's true. i've given in. ...if you can't beat 'em, join 'em...isn't that what THEY always say?
so i have. goodbye stalker days. hello cbrownsuperhero!
and hey!! this is my very first entry...and i *already* have FIVE live journal friends!! wow. ;oP
i'm dedicating my journal to getting out there, staying connected even when i wanna retreat--continuing the conversation *because* it's complicated instead of backing out when it gets complex. thought a journal might be help me do that... ??
i was, at first, specifically thinking of gender here...(though i can think of a million and one other topics, too!) it gets complicated and everyone wants to hide behind their own particular choices, wants to be the coolest, most got-it-together hottie and not ask the hard questions, give the vulnerable truth. maybe it's easier online to put yourself (myself?) out there?
just what i'm thinking about tonight.
off to figure this journal thang out...