And so it goes...

Jun 29, 2012 11:40

No go for Disney. Yes, I'm sad. In my head I had built up any number of fantastical events which could have followed if the project had been optioned. C'est la vie? The producer isn't giving up, and has promised to put on her 'thinking cap' about who else to approach. Mrrr.

OC writing and busy work, what else is new? Looking forward to being Stateside in less than a month and in Hong Kong in about two months (just for a visit - we're in Qatar until at least next year).

Legend of Korra - any watchers? While I loved the season, I feel that the creators are entirely incapable of writing a functional romantic storyline. I love Korra, she's a bad ass...but Mako? Not so much, or is he? I'm still unsure where my ship will set anchor, but am leaning towards non-canon ideals (Korrasami makes the most sense so far - the girls deserve each other and have the most amount of actual passion / chemistry). Given ATLA had a full season order (20 episodes), I think the staff were given too short a time to fully develop characters. Sometimes we need filler episodes.  My two cents.

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