trials and tribulations

Aug 08, 2005 01:26

out of a random 100 dates,
-how many will you like?
-how many will like you?
-how many will both like each other?
-and how many will not be interested?

unfortunately, I seem to be conducting my own expensive survey of finding out that I am not interested. I know people tend to get pickier and more set in their ways as they get older, but I try to keep an open mind and think of potential possibilities. you learn a lot from a first date through subtle connotations and often, by blatant red flags thrown right at you that cannot be missed. good information tends to come from how the previous relationship went and how it ended. signs of a good date include laughter, playful flirting, and stimulating conversation. signs of a bad date include awkward silences, boring small talk, and a desire to stab a fork into one's hand.

after a date, you would:
-want it not to end
-plan for a second date
-look forward to seeing/talking to each other soon
-have the lingering euphoria feeling of "wow, he/she is amazing" and those butterflies that elevate you to cloud 9.

I wonder if we have become delusional in this information-rich and global society in which we now live in. standards are influenced by what you see and have access to. visions of jessica alba make me want to have jessica alba, that girl is so hot in a cute way. =) living in LA, where there are beautiful people everywhere, you start thinking to yourself, "why would I want to settle when I can have a shot at something better." in the old days, you are limited to what your family selected for you or what's available in your neck of the woods. today, if I didn't like the selection in the city I'm in, I can easily go to another city, state, or country to find the pool of potentials I'm looking for.

being in a relationship sometimes put the blinders on you to help you stay on the short and narrow path. like in the commercial in which the girl tolerates the guy for being a guy by taking a whiff of his scent that triggers all the happy associated memories in the past that she now overlooks the current undesirable guy tendencies. when is the connection and bond in the relationship cemented that makes you think, "he/she is the best one out there for me and there is no one else better." the time must vary for different people as well as the triggers for that unity.

through all this incoherent musing, I was hoping to gain some revelation as to why dating sucks. maybe I should just get a dog.

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