The gift I keep on giving...

Dec 08, 2009 11:44

No existential blah-blah here... just being a sheep in the commercialization of a religion which funny enough has a regular role in the salvation of our economy. Don't get me wrong, peace and goodwill is wonderful... but so is a 23 megapixel full-frame CCD SLR digital camera with Wi-Fi and GPS geotagging. You know you'd want one too.


Every year I've given at least one of these away. They're useful, durable, and something you probably wouldn't buy on your own since it's comparable to a $100 can opener. I have one in my own kitchen (a water boiler... I have a $10 can opener) and they're just plain awesome for anything from a cup of Tie Guan Yin tea to styrofoam flavored "cup noodle".

If you want a manlier water boiler, check out the Zutto series. Otherwise, expect your mom to gush all over this one.

This water boiler is going to a family friend who bought one herself after seeing the one I gave my parents. Unfortunately she bought one of another brand that broke after a few months. Zojirushi ftw.
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