DAY 4: TABLE- G [03.] Desert

Aug 30, 2009 23:43

Prompt #03: [DESERT]
Prompt table: [G]
Rating: [PG]
Character/Pairing: [JACK/IANTO]
Word count: [452]
Disclamer: Torchwood, and it's characters are the property of the BBC and RTD.
Summary: Jack does some baking.
Author's Note: Written and should have been posted yesterday but due to a much later night than I though I didn't get a chance to post it until now.

Written for PROMPT TABLE G at dailyfics

Standing in the HUB's basement kitchen Jack stared at the various ingredients before him, who knew trying to be considerate could lead to Captain Jack Harkness wearing an apron standing the kitchen like a Stepford wife.

Causiously he read the direction before doing anything at all, wanting this to be a perfect surprise for Ianto. Gathering the necessary utensils he added those to the table top.

For the next half hour he meticulously combined the ingredients the recipe called for, only to be rewarded with a mixture unlike that shown. Still he soldiered on preparing the dishes for the cake mixture, before pouring the somewhat discolored, lumpy batter into the baking pans.

Unknown to him Ianto had returned to the hub and upon not finding Jack in his office had decided to make himself a cup of coffee only to come to a halt at the sight of his kitchen and the occupant, who was placing a suspicious looking dish in his oven.

Glancing around he silently absorbed the scale of the disaster Jack had made of his once pristine kitchen, before moving fully into view to wait, arms folded across his chest for Jack's attention.

Finally facing Ianto Jack did a quick jump before nervously laughing, “Didn't know you were coming back.”

“You told me to be here at this time to go to dinner” Ianto said smirking at Jack's caught red handed surprised reaction.

“Is it that late already?” he asked glancing at his watch.

“Yep. Now you clean up here first, then we'll be off.”

“Help me, Yan?” Jack asked in that pleading flirtatious come hither voice, he loved so well.

Laughing out loud Ianto moved in closer to Jack slowly running a finger down his cheek near his lips removing batter that had remained before slowly licking it off his finger, all the while keeping eye contact, only to cringe at the taste. Distinctly tasting an ingredient not usually found in cake he turned to the table, searching for the box. Reaching over he turned the box to Jack, “Baking soda?”

“Yes! It called for it” confused that the change of Ianto, from flirting to his perusal of the ingredients.

Searching through the mess he gingerly extracted the batter covered paper scanning the writing until he found the line that clearly stated baking powder, before handing both the box and the paper to Jack pointing out where it clearly stated ingredient.

“Same thing” Jack said taking both items.

“No, it's not.” Ianto continued laughing leaving the forlorn Jack staring at both. “Come on let's clean up, get dinner, and then we'll come back and make desert together later.” Ianto said turning to extract the pan from the oven.

tw:fanfic, tv:torchwood, dailyfics

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