DAY 1: TABLE- G [01.] Warm

Aug 26, 2009 18:27

Prompt #1: [WARM]
Prompt table: [G]
Rating: [PG]
Character/Pairing: Team, Jack/Ianto (pre-relationship?)
Word count: [594]
Disclamer: Torchwood and it's characters are not my own. They are the property of the BBC and RTD.
Summary: A Countrycide episode tag.
Author's Note: Haven't written anything in a long time and this is my first 'Torchwood' fic, so hope you like.

Written for Prompt Table G at dailyfics

All Ianto wanted to do was get home, shower, and cuddle in his own warm comfortable bed. But that seemed to be hours away at this moment. Battered and bruised he stayed seated as Jack and Gwen exited the pub, where Gwen had insisted she interview the cannibalistic bastard who'd tried to fillet him. What a waste of time, you'd think she most of all would be th first to want to leave, but no they were all forced to wait, while she found out just why the villagers were the way they were. Finally, now they were ready to go. And in Ianto's opinion it was about time.

Moving around the SUV he cautiously got in taking the middle, trying to get as comfortable as possible before the girls got in.

Eventually the rest of the team filed into the SUV with Jack being the last as he left the authorities to deal with the rest of the situation.

After a few minutes on the road, Ianto hesitantly leaned forward in an attempt to reach the heating controls only to have his hand grasped by Jack.

“Just wanted to adjust the heat.” Ianto said just low enough for Jack alone to hear.

Glancing back at him Jack asked, “Up or down?” as he slowly caressed the marks left on Ianto's wrists.

Shocked he pulled back his hand saying, “Up, please.”

Resettling himself he sighed as he felt the first blast of warm air before finally allowing the pain medication to take effect drifting off to sleeping.

It seemed as though only moments later they arrived back at the hub, as Jack tried to gently wake Ianto brushing as hand along his cheek not wanting to shake him in fear of causing him additional pain.

“H mm? M mm!” Ianto mumbled in a semi-conscious state.

“Wake up, Sleeping beauty. You're home” Jack teased as he moved out of the doorway in anticipation of Ianto getting out.

Still somewhat drugged by medication and sleep Ianto stumbled out only to have Jack cat him before he went face first into the garage wall.

“Need a ride home? Owen's taken Gwen and Tosh. And you don't look to be in any shape to drive.” he offered.

Leaning away from Jack he tried to stand on his own only to start shaking, causing Jack to hold him that much more tightly to him.

“That's it. Come on. You're staying here tonight.” Jack lead Ianto into the hub, to his office, and down the hatch to his bunk.

Somehow with a semi-conscious, shaking Ianto they made it down the hatch without incident. Settling Ianto on the bed he helped him out of his clothing before tucking him between the sheets. He knew Ianto would have wanted to wash away the day but he couldn't bring himself to waking him fully.

Moving to the bath Jack retrieved a washcloth to at least wipe his face and hands.

“Jack?” Ianto mumbled as he burrowed further into the bed after Jacks ministrations.

“I'm here, Ianto” Jack answered moving to sit on the bed, beside Ianto. Resting his hand on Ianto's chest he could feel Ianto's shaking increasing.

Concerned for Ianto, but not wanting to call back in Owen, Jack retrieved the thickest quilt he had, draped it over Ianto's shaking form, before stripping himself and getting in beside him.

Pulling Ianto to him Jack wrapped his arms around the younger man, hoping to ward off his chills.

Slowly Ianto's shaking ebbed and Jack fell asleep listening to his restful breathing.

tw:fanfic, tv:torchwood, dailyfics

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