*TWILIGHT*- Review, Quote Icons, Banner, and Wallies

Dec 11, 2008 06:00

So this was suppose to be done weeks ago!!!...but had a few misunderstanding with my graphics program....and inspiration flew the nest....^_^...but on with the show...umm...movie...


Having not read the book in awhile, I enjoyed the movie for what it was and thought that many of the scenes I remember from the book was included in the movie.

I loved how the movie started with Bella's voice over reflecting on how she'd never thought of how she'd die. It really made me remember the book. The lunch scene was absolutely perfect, not exactly like in the book since the Cullen's had an entrance and weren't already sitting like in the book. During this time, Jessica started in on her descriptions of them. I though it was way cute when just as Edward (RPattz) is passing and Jess is going on about how he thinks he's too good for any of the girls that they had him smirk. I swear it made him ever more attractive. The biology class scene was like I thought it would be, though instead of Edward looking furious (which he kind of did...around the eyes) after smelling her he looked more like he wanted to throw up, since RPattz actually covers his mouth. Though the rest of the scene turned out pretty well.
And finally the introduction after Edward has been away for the week. It seemed a bit off, wasn't liking the way the lines were delivered. But they got over that quickly enough as they started in with their actual conversation.
The rescue in the alley was WONDERFUL....my sister gets a trip out of the fact that his car is a volvo of all things...not something you would think a vampire would drive...not flashy enough...though I think it has major flash in that scene.
Dinner...though they never come right out and talk about it. Liked how you could see that the waitress was coming on to him and how Bella looked at her.
The sparkle scene...ummm...not sure what I made about that. Can't remember exactly how I imagined it at the time when reading the book, but it came off alright. My sister laughed...another things that trips her out in the movie.
Meet the Cullens....OMG...Loved the whole family. Everyone's attitude fit their characters perfectly (IMO)...Loved the way they has Edward have this OMG my family is crazy look when Alice comes in, hugs Bella, says "oh you do smell good', and then says they'll be good friends and she'd see her later.
Loved the whole 360 view of the forrest. BEAUTIFUL!!!
LOVED Charlie and the shotgun...before Edward introduces himself.
Baseball scene is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!!!....Totally what I was looking forward to from the book.
As for the rest of it, I thought it was well done, there prom scene at the end was wonderful, very cute again.

I really think everyone was fantastic.
RPattz did a good job with Edward he was a nice mixed of dark and funny. Had great chemistry with Kristen Stewart as Bella.
Rosalie was FANTASTIC. She was everything like I thought of her in the book.
Same goes for Alice...bubbly, free, LOVED her!....
Emmett...oh he was so cute when Bella visited. and the Baseball scene, you definitely got to see some of how he was described in the book.
Jasper....wonderful job of looking pained and uncomfortable.
Carlisle and Esme....like I pictured.
Charlie, can't remember what I thought of him in the book, but great in the movie.

Everyone else I think were like their characters were in the book.

Things I MISSED: (that I would have liked to see)
The building of Edward and Bella's relationship...the music interlude with them in the forest, and in her room, was beautiful to look at but I would have liked to have actually heard some of their conversations. That way you could actually see how deep in love they were.

and my rating 8.5/10

Now on to the good stuff:



my past LJ banner...may have one without my LJ addy but to lazy to upload right now.






Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

movie:twilight, graphics:icons, graphics:wallies, twilight:graphics, graphics:sigs, graphics:banner

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