SGA: Fic: After Their Firsts- Chapter 4

Nov 09, 2007 04:05

 Title:       After Their Firsts
Author:   OMGirl (cblade_007)  
Date:        November 9th, 2007
Part:         4/1
Rating:    PG-13
Characters: Sheppard/Teyla
Archiving: Ask first..plz

Disclaimer: I do not own either the characters or the show….don’t sue….I have nothing worth getting….Any errors are my own…

A/N: Thanks everyone who reviewed I very much appreciate it. It’s great hearing what u guys liked or didn’t like in the story.... I know it's been a LONG time since I updated but truth be told, writers block hit hard, and after countless versions, this is the one I'm going to let you guys read.


John wasted no time grabbing the tablet from the console then making his way to Rodney's lab.

From the vantage point above Sheppard's office it was easy to see his reaction to the message he'd received. Smiling at his swift movements, it was easy to surmise what his intent was. Satisfied with the progress of events it was time to let them unfold.

Walking into Rodney's Lab Sheppard slapped the tablet onto the table disturbing his work. “What is this?”

Being his usual disgruntle self Rodney replied, “Why it's a tablet John, anything else?”

“Funny Rodney. I mean what is this?”, he asked this time pointing to the displayed picture of Teyla and himself standing on the mainland unusually close for a simple working relationship.

Sighing heavily Rodney gave him his 'how stupid are you' look before he responded with, “You're really not asking me that?”

“Jeez, Rodney. I know what it is. What I want to know is how it got into my messages.” John said leaning onto the table.

“Did you check who the sender was?”, came back Rodney as he once again started tinkering with his own tablet.

“Yes. That's one of the first things I did. It was blocked. That's why I came to you. Can you check into it?”

“Sure. Sure. Later,” Rodney answered thoughtlessly.

Picking up the tablet he dropped it onto the one Rodney currently held, “Now! I want to know who sent it.” he ordered as he exited the lab.

Sighing Rodney stared at Sheppard's retreating back smiling at just how protective John was when it came to his relationship with Teyla.

Just then Radek came through the lab's connecting door. “What's that you have there?”

Hastily hiding Sheppard's tablet beneath his own Rodney said, “Nothing important.”, then continued his own work.


John hated the fact that someone had the nerve to spy on them. After all this time there was someone who had something against them or him. He needed to protect Teyla if nothing else. Changing his course he made his way to the gym knowing instinctively it was where Teyla would be.

“Teyla, really what can come of it” came Ronon's voice through the open doorway.

“Please Ronon” Teyla besieged.

This wasn't sounding like a pleasant conversation, so taking those last few steps John entered the gym.

“John-” Teyla greeted him with a smile, while Ronon absently twirled his bantos rods.

“Sheppard-” he said with a slight inclination of his head, and a smirk on his face before he continued out the door.

Moving to the window John slowly sat onto the window seat waiting for Teyla to do the same.

“What is the matter?” Teyla asked as she moved closer.

“Someone has been spying on us. I received some photographs of us from our trip to the mainland and then from earlier today. I have Rodney checking into their origin so it won't be long.”, he explained hurriedly.

“Who---” Teyla started then stopped starring at him.

“ I cant' think of anyone right this minute. Atlantis and it's crew has become a family of sorts,” he mused out loud.

Glancing once again at Teyla, “What were you talking about with Ronon, before I came in?” he asked.

“He's playing big brother that's all” she replied smiling.

John was surprised at the reply. He knew they had a friendship he just didn't know Ronon felt quite that much responsibility for her.

It was also something he didn't want to think about too much, since he was almost sure the other man felt a bit more than brotherly love for her, how could he not. He also knew, that even though he had a perfect motive that it wasn't him, who was responsible for the photographs.

Getting up he moved toward her, stopping to lightly kiss her lips before he said, “gotta get back to duty” then left the gym.


Deciding to continue his work in his own quarters he stopped at his office grabbed the necessary files then continued on his way.

Upon entering he was instantly brought up short by the sound of a boot sliding on paper. Sighing he slowly looked down, thinking he'd dropped some important paper that would now have a boot print on it, only to find himself staring into his own eyes, the stained glass of the Atlantis gym shimmering behind him, while he sat beside Teyla.

Stooping he viciously snatched the wretched photograph off the floor, crumpling it in his fist as he once again straightened.



So what's the verdict, should I call the hangman? Order the guillotine??

sga:fanfic, tv:sga

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