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_green_ Where oh where has the West Wing gone? The show is almost unrecognizable now. So, so very sad. I'm finding the same thing happening to me with respect to WW as happened with ER -- going from absolutely adoring the show to becoming more and more apathetic, to the point where I don't really care if it's on or not. Sad. I think soon the only TV I'm going to care about will be on Showtime and HBO (other than American Idol, of course. Lisa was robbed, robbed I say!!)
As for Angel, I'm somewhat ambivalent. The puppet thing was so goofy as to be endearing, but other things just kept getting in the way. Like how when Wes was first talking to Angel I thought he was thinking about Lilah, and then I realized he meant Fred, and my mood sank. And speaking of Fred, could that skirt be any shorter? What the fuck? Who works in an office like that?
I liked the Gunn thread -- nice to see some development there, although it was rather heavily foreshadowed. I did not particularly care for the Spike moment. Started out fun, but the elevator fight? Puppet!Angel kicking Spike's ass? I think not. Funny, I suppose. Yes, I take this too seriously at times, especially during a frickin puppet episode.
Going back to Wes and Angel, I could practically smell the pheromones through the TV. (Rather apt for tonight's epi, I think.) So sad how they have to sublimate their feelings for one another through pretending to be caught up in women troubles. Hmmph.