Ask me my opinion on any character from any fandom, and I will say. [Grammar bitch: 'Say' what? :P] If I do not know the fandom, I will say what I think I know based on fannish osmosis.
I think he is, conceivably, a very noble, good leader. His suicide was also of the most dramatic type possible, which impresses me. :P He's also cynical, which is good. What inclines me to dislike him is his bitchy "I hate you, Faramir, go die" thing. So I'm not even sure what I think of him. He's definitely a very cool character. So basically, in the form of those weird communities where you get accepted or rejected based on pluses and minuses:
Well, characters can hate other characters and not automatically be horrible. Like Draco Malfoy... everyone in the HP fandom seems to adore him. (Half of them think he's snogging Harry... but y'know. XD)
Denethor from The Lord of the Rings.
I think he is, conceivably, a very noble, good leader. His suicide was also of the most dramatic type possible, which impresses me. :P He's also cynical, which is good. What inclines me to dislike him is his bitchy "I hate you, Faramir, go die" thing. So I'm not even sure what I think of him. He's definitely a very cool character. So basically, in the form of those weird communities where you get accepted or rejected based on pluses and minuses:
++awesome, defiant suicide
---hates Faramir
Hehehehe. I also really wanted him to stay alive long enough to confront Aragorn. So I guess that means:
I suppose I like him, not as a person but as a character.
+wife died tragically
<3 Finduilas.
(Or that could be a minus, if you want to assume she withered away because he wasn't very demonstrative.)
-------------------------------------------------------hates Faramir
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