Oct 09, 2003 21:34
So, I'm here for the weekend again babysitting for my aunt and uncle in K-Zoo!! WOOO. ;) Not really... I'm bored and I just figured out how to work this damned Mac computer so I could go online and stuff.. yeah I'm cool. :o) I wish I could have come home to see you guys again... but a well, gotta make some money! $$ = gas money to come home... so it's a good plan! :o)
Just got off of the phone with Jess... we talked for like 45 minutes! heh. My phone card is almost gone now!! oops... oh well. She sounds like shes having fun...wish I was there... all of my girls are gonna be coming over her house I guess for a movie/hang out/pizza party thing while I'm stuck here with my two little cousins, it's okay though bc they're really good and all the baby does is sleep!
I was gonna come back to my dorm room tonight, but they wanted me back here at like 9am so they can catch they're trin to Chicago... but then I decided to just spend the night and then just stay the weekend, plus I had already packed and all that jazz so it's just easier this way i think... They don't have AIM here...which bites... but oh well.
I think that my roommate and I are getting along again... not that I knew why we weren't earlier. But oh well, I guess I'll just roll with it. We had breakfast together this morning and everything seemed cool, we were just hanging out and laughing... I don't know, but I think everything is gonna be okay... at least I hope it is, cause I really hate walking into the room and her sending me those hate vibes... oh well. I guess everything will just work itself out for the best...
Okay well, CAL : I'll call you later so you're cell phone better be charged! :o) Miss & love you guys back at home! Have a great time at Homecoming this weekend!! *Muah*