Mar 14, 2006 11:29
Ok, so it seems like I dropped off the face of the planet for a month, but really I just decided to kick my own ass out of the winter-long depression I'd been living in and get a life. So I went to London for a week. And really, the coolest thing about my life is that I get to take weekend trips to places like London. Had a great time, spent way too much money, ate great food (and I'd really appreciate people giving up the English food jokes, those people have obviously never been to ultra-multi-national London, where I had the best falafal of my life, not to mention some pretty damn good Chinese food and Indian food. Anyone complaining about food in England is just being lazy.) Also I've given up men. For the time being. And yes, MEGAN AND RYAN, I know I've said that before, many many times. And it'll probably just last until the next time I get drunk, but here's the thing. I'm getting old. And I don't mean this in a whiney when did I get hips kind of way. I mean most of the time I'd rather be eating pizza watching A DVD anyway. Now that I'm re-reading this, I realize that my initial claim to getting a life has been supported by going to London (admittedly pretty cool) and sitting on the couch watching dvds. Can nothing in life be without conflict and contradiction!?!?