The Brookes Legacy 1.4

Jun 25, 2011 19:03


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, hello there ladies and gentlemen. The new update it here, and it is a good one (if I do say so myself). But what happened last time? Olly was trapped in a jail cell art studio for a week, while everything else dissolved into chaos. We were robbed by the delivery guy twice, one of those times being the fridge where Wenlock had just put the food. Jason and Paula are now both children, with Wenlock and Olly being teens. Wenlock even became a little mischeavous, sneaking out (badly) past his parents. At least Chris tried to be responsible and lecture him, Chloe didn't care one bit. We left with Jason having just aged up and passing out on the floor. Let us continue!

Jason: zzzzZZZZZZZZ

Well, at least he made it to a bed!

Wenlock: So mum, what do you think of the burgers I made?

Chloe: They're *coughsplutter* lovely dear.

You are so lying Chloe. That, or you just sat on a pin.

Woah what is this? Olly is out of his box? This can only mean one thing!

Olly: WOO YEAH, I survived!

Well, that and that it's sim-monday. My roll for this weeks mini-challenge was called The Truth is out There. Basically, you have to make one sim spend their entire night searching for aliens with a telescope. I'll most likely only printscreen anything about this challenge if someone actually gets abducted (unlikely).

Olly: Oh indoor plumbinggggg, how I love theeeeee.

This is probably a good time to mention the incredibly stupid thing I did. By locking Olly in that box, his grades for school went down to F. Unfortunately, he's now too old to go to school and get his grades back up, so he can't go to college.

Olly: Wait, I can't go to college? D: I can get a job though, right?

Er yeah, about that. No one will hire you with your crappy grades! You just get to lay about doing nothing until you age up. Have fun!

Chloe: Seriously? You're going to do that THERE?

Olly: HEY WENLOCK! MOVE? You're blocking the burgers D:

Wenlock: Doo de doo, let's pretend like I can't hear them.

Yeah Wenlock, being as annoying as possible is the way to become heir. Good job :/

Ok, so changing tactics to being as CREEPY as possible won't make you heir either. I'm really worried by the fact he frowns in his sleep.

Chris: *oblivious* ZzzzzzZZZZZz

Chris: What the ... ?

Nooooooo, your perfectly sculpted body!! Why is it now hidden behind a beer belly!?

Chris: I don't know. It's nothing to do with that empty plate you see behind me, and the other one that's out of shot.

...why? :(

Olly: I want a really good date! Make her hot please! *hands over £13*

Trina the Matchmaker: ...This is it? Seriously? Fine, but I'm giving you a crappy *cough*, I mean wonderful, date.

I always set my sims up with someone who is their AutoGenderPref. Unless they like gurls and guys, then I pick :)

Olly: But she's OLD D:

Never fear Olly, I have a plan ;)

Shelby, Olly's date: Man, I feel weird...


Trina the Matchmaker: *stands as close to Olly AS POSSIBLE*

...this is normal.

SimModder: I'll say :/


So Olly, what do you think now?

Olly: Her face makes me want to barf.

..well fine then. How about you Wenlock?

Wenlock: I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you.

Why do I even look after these guys? *sigh*


Claire: *sigh* What?

Hmm, you have potential. What do we think of this one Olly?

Olly: Hey hot stuff, want a crack at the Olly-meister?

This is more like it, even if your flirty face is rather .. unsettling.

Claire: No I do not. Your black hair repulses me. I never want to see it again.

Olly:'re rejecting me? ME? But I'm AMAZING!

His rejected face is too sad.

Wenlock: Ooooh, BURN!

...You're not helping.

Chris: Must .. work .. off .. fatness ..

Literally, he automatically did this the second he got home from work. I'm guessing he hates him being fat too :D

The sexy kid on the left is an aged up Sterling Kim. He was Wenlock's friend from school, so I aged him up when it was Wenlock's birthday. He's turned out ok :)

Kid in combats: *looks away from Sterling's cuteness*

Don't pretend, I saw you looking!

Wenlock: Hey Sterling, look how attractive your ... legs ... are!

Olly: *pretending to not eavesdrop while playing catch*

Sterling: You know what, I find your .. legs .. amazingly attractive too!

..Well that was easy.

Wenlock: I have a crush on you already!

Woah guys, you've done one interaction on your date and it wasn't even a romantic one! How have we progressed to crush-level already?

Olly: How DARE he have better dating luck than me *throws ball with ALL his strength*

Calm down honey, I'm sure there's a woman out there who will like your black hair.

Wenlock: So you know the delivery dude? He TOTALLY stole our fridge with all our food in! I had to give him the ol' one-two.

Sterling: Oh my god, I can't believe it. I think I'm love.

That is not how it happened Wenlock, and you know it.

FIRST KISS!! FIRST KISSSSSSSSS!!!!111!!!!1 So how was it guys?

(Man that picture is blurry).

Sterling: That .. was .. IMMENSE.

Wenlock: Eww, am I gonna have to do that again?

Well at least one of you enjoyed it, I guess. Lets end the date here, before we make redhearts.

In better news, CHRIS IS NO LONGER FAT :D

Paula: So then the violins started and..

Jason: Woah, has dad lost weight?

Olly: Yay, Dad's no longer embarassing.

Kenya, some friend of Wenlock: Olly, your hair is fine. But your FACIAL HAIR. EWWW. GET OUT OF MY LIFE.

Olly: Why do I keep picking girls that HATE me?

Tough luck mate. You'll find someone.

Gretchen: Oh YEAH, give me some of that!

SEE! I knew it would happen eventually! Go get that Mister.

Olly: But I don't really like her that muc-

IDON'TCARE. This might not happen again! Ask her on a date NOW!

Olly: BAHAHAHA I cannot BELIEVE you fell for that!!

Gretchen: You little IDIOT.

Way to make a good first impression.

Ah, what is this? Olly is leaving us to go to college, where hopefully his love Sterling will follow him. We shall see him in most likely the next update, when I play all the kids in college.

Paula: Hm, I'm going to wish for ... can't tell ;)

Rose growing out of Paula's hat: Aww :(

Chris: Oh yeah, you go girl! You become a teenager!

Chloe: *Gets so excited that her shoulders disappear*

Really oddly, that didn't happen in game. It just showed up in the printscreen. Who needs shoulders anyway :S

Here she is, with her new makeover. I think it suits her tbh.

Olly: I'm too BORED to fix the TV.

Well, you're the one who broke it. Plus, if you don't fix it how will you get your fun up?

Olly: I don't wanna D:

In the end he bitched about this so much, I just had Paula fix it.

Paula: Ok, so here's all the money of my household. Make this date a good'un. *Hands £1440*

Trina the Matchmaker: Yeah, this should work.

It had better :/

Paula: ...An ugly burgular? SERIOUSLY? FOR ALMOST £1500?

Paula: Why would you do this to me SimGod?! WHYYYY?!

Hey, it wasn't me! He was promptly sent away.

Jason: I'm a pretty ballet dancer!

Ever since I bought this thing, all everyone wants to do is use it. It's getting ridiculous

Jason: Hey, why don't I get a cake?

Because your sister spent all the money on an ugly burgular. That's why.

OMG CUTE. I am loving all the teens of this generation too much.

I promptly sent the two of them off to college, because I couldn't be bothered with them anymore haha.

Paula: Hey Mr Taxi Driver, how are ya?

Jason: *Intense stare at the window* I don't want to go D:

Olly: Hey Mum, congrats on getting 3 out of 4 kids to college! That's not a fail.

Chloe: Aww, why thank you! ..Wait, does this mean you're not going to college? WHY NOT?

Er yeah, about that Chloe...

Chloe: I'm WAITING for an explanation!

..*run away*

Chloe: Hey Chris, do you know why Olly isn't... what are you doing? Should I be concerned?

Chris: Lalalaa

I would be.

Ooooh, double birthday again? I wonder whose it is?

Why, Chloe's and Chris' of course! I'm really sad they're becoming elders.

Olly: Oh crap, who do I watch grow up?

Annnnd that is the end of this update. You'll have to wait to see Chloe and Chris' makeovers. The next update will be in college, with Wenlock (possibly Sterling), Paula and Jason. The last 2 will hopefully find future-spouses. Also, with all the kids grown up it means it's time for the very exciting heir poll *applause*.

legacy, sims2, legacy challenge

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