Jan 23, 2010 22:16
I'm bored. And my computer is running very slow. So I thought I'd post something. It's actually kinda depressing - I have FB, succumbed to twatter, and I've got a LJ. And on none of them does anyone really care what I have to say. Yet I still feel liking using these places like my life's stage with a full audience. I think that's the saddest bit. That I can't accept no one really gives a damn so I need to pretend that typing something here or there is actually worth doing.
Maybe it's the isolation. I'm stuck in a backwater town with no entertainment, a tiny group of friends that have their own things, no car so I'm really stuck. The internet is my reality. It is my go-to place I guess. I live here now more than I have in a long time. Maybe it's taking over my life. Maybe my addiction is a problem. But until RL offers me something better I'm happy here. I have things to do, people to talk to, places to visit.
But don't I have a PhD to do? Sure. Luckily a lot of my work is done on the computer anyway so it's easy enough to have firefox open too :D However, my PhD is not inspiring me. My internet world is so much more fun, more interesting. Have I picked the wrong thesis topic? Has the loneliness and isolation gotten to me? Am I just over it all?
Some days I think wow I'm bored. I need to do something. I need to stop staring at these white walls. I need people to talk to. Who can I talk to? Where can I go? I could slit my wrists, I think. That would be something different. I'd have to go to the hospital. There are people in the hospital. They would talk to me.
But that's just crazy talk. Right?