
Jun 29, 2008 17:18

So, I drew this at work, and I'm pretty darn pleased with it. :D


HAY YOU GUYS? IT'S DOCTOR WHO: THE GREATEST HITS! xDD And oh man, was it awesome. I was watching it all "You! And you! And you and you! Hoorah!"

Donna was brilliant, is brilliant and always shall be brilliant. I love that she worked out the missing planets thing. Love love love her. :D

I haven't actually been watching Torchwood, but this episode was enough to (a) remind me that Jack wins at life (haha at "and who is that?" "don't, just don't"), and (b) teach me that Ianto is brilliantsauce. :D

Just for emphasis: :D.

...On the one hand, I hope they don't cop out on the regeneration, because that would be full of fail and Rusty is doing such a brilliant swansong so far, niggles aside; but on the other, I'd be sad to see David Tennant leave the show. I find it amusing, though, that a Dalek shot would immediately kill anyone else, human or not, but that the Doctor has time for Dramatics. xD

Ahaha oh God, Martha and Rose haven't met yet? You mean I just daydreamed that? HOW HAS THIS NOT HAPPENED YET? COME ON, SHOW. IT WOULD BE AWESOME AND ALSO FULL OF EPIC WIN.

Yay, Harriet Jones! The reveal that she was the one beaming the signal made me go OMGSQUEE. And I like that she's stuck by her guns, too. I didn't agree with her firing on the Whatweretheycalleds (Krillitains? Whatever, I can't spell it) back in that one Christmas episode, but I see the sense in developing a backup plan for if the Doctor couldn't bail Earth out for the umpteenth time, and I like that she hasn't just gone "the Doctor is always right!" and given up any opinion of her own.

Haha, people of Earth? Your world must have nearly ended how many times in the history of this show, and yet you're still doing the whole mindless looting thing? xD

I kind of felt for Rose when she was left out of the webcam conversation, though it kind of annoys me that the Doctor still hasn't gotten over her. (Haha, some of my rl friends would flay me alive for saying that. :P) People who've seen the original serieseses: is there precident for him becoming so indilutably attached to a particular companion, to the point of mooning over them two series after their departure, or is RTD just too in love with Rose for the story's good? I'm less annoyed that she's so happy to see him, though perhaps this is because I cling to the rare and idealistic fanon that she's done a Sarah Jane and moved on with her life a little, rather than wasting her days in Le Parallel Universe wandering around the beach and hoping to catch a Doctor-coloured flicker on the air.

Donna's grandfather and his paintball gun? Most fantastic ever. \o/

It makes me giggle that Jack and Rose and the Doctor and SJS and everyone were all standing around going "onoez the Daleks we are all dead and there is nothing we can do!!1 ;___;". Come on, guys. These people show up in every season finale, and you kick their shiny metal asses. The only two (main) characters to die by their hands (plungers? egg whisks?) were Jack, who came back immortal, and the Doctor, who regenerated. What's to despair about?

Or perhaps I'm just suffering from Repetitive Monster Syndrome and failing to appreciate the full horror of the situation, I dunno. All I know is, when that one Dalek went "resistance is useless!", I wanted to put on a Ford Prefect voice and answer "you can shut up as well. Do you really enjoy this kind of thing?" :P

Still, it kan has be next Saturday nao?

meta and/or reaction post, dragons win at everything, fan: doctor who, art woohoo

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