Man, it's raining outside like it's hoping for a mention in the Bible. I'm sitting here right now, quietly freezing to death drying off and reflecting that I didn't get back from jogging a moment too soon.
Yeah, I was out jogging. I don't think anyone's more surprised than I am. But I'm running the
Race for Life with my mum in just over a month, and since we actually signed up, the reality of running (or in my case running then painfully walking) five kilometres around a field has finally sunk in. Time was I could leg it for the bus down an entire street and catch it too (more than once; yeah, I... I have no idea how I did that), but my legs and lungs are a bit more reluctant to shift into fifth gear at the moment, let alone stay there. Thus, I've resolved to go out training for a little bit every day.
It seems to be paying off, 'cause I'm already jogging today a little further than I was on Sunday. So much utter joy when I reached the bridge instead of crapping out at the bottom of the slope. (I'll phrase this like you know the landmarks I'm talking about and you will like it!) And here I thought I couldn't motivate myself to exercise. Apparently the fear of wheezing around a field on the brink of collapse is all the motivation I needed! \o/
...I should start asking people to sponsor me.