Apr 13, 2009 17:16

BACK FROM BADMINTON TOURNAMENT. Was utterly massacred, and it was brilliant fun like you wouldn't believe. And it's amazing how much reading you can get done when you're sitting on a sport-hall floor waiting to be called for your next match. Oh my crap, though, the early mornings and non-stop exercise and parties and alcohol what are you talking about we were totally good little teens and twenty-somethings killed me dead. AND IT WAS EXCELLENT FUN.

I've now officially eaten the (awful-looking, delicious) food and danced the (horribly exhausting, very fun) dances of the Scottish! And dressed as the Wicked Witch of the West, and yes, there are photos. It worked well, because I cackle non-stop when I'm drunk. Hilariously, though, there was one person who recognised most of our team as Wizard Of Oz characters and yet asked if the Tin Man was meant to be a Ghostbuster. I'm still not sure exactly what was going through her head for that one.

And now I've gotten back to uni and I'm going home tomorrow and I have no frakking money and I have so much work to do and I'm hunting down YouTube videos to teach me how to play my friend's electric guitar. :D The strings are kinda horribly out of tune, because she has no idea where her tuner is, but that's okay until I go beyond screwing about getting the feel of the instrument.

Apparently something happened on Amazon while I was internetless, because one of the first things I saw when I went on the internet was a billion posts on my f'list talking about this. It made me go graaargh for a little while, before I thought a bit and went hang on. And then I decided that this is a waaaay more likely explanation. So if that's true, then Amazon is only guilty of making it too easy for people to screw with their ratings system, and it's a few anonymous idiots (rather than a big influential corporation) supplying the actual bigotry. (ILY, benefit of the doubt.)

lgbt kicks your ass, that real life thing, i'm caz and i'm a music junkie

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