Stupid timezones.

Jul 07, 2006 09:41

In some roleplays, I'm the only one in my timezone. I posted yesterday morning, had no replies all day, came back this morning and there were about ten or twelve posts after mine! >.> I know it's not their fault for being in a different timezone, but... this could get confuzzling for me.

Edit: Make that twenty-odd posts. >.<

Edit edit: My character is in the hold! IN THE HOLD! You can not just walk onto deck and see her, nor can you see her when your character is in her cabin! RUBELLA IS IN THE HOLD, AND HER NAME IS NOT REBULLA!!!

And for someone in the other roleplay: an open letter. You know who you are. Just because my character is a demon and yours is a "Daemonologist", does NOT mean you control my character's mind! Also, saying that "the girl felt her will slipping away" counts as GODMODING, bitch. And being uber-powerful and portalling everywhere wins you no friends. It takes more than a long black coat to be cool.

No love,


...Just wanted to get that off my chest. I swear, this Silvershadows person is the only player paying attention to what anyone else writes. She's a great roleplayer. ^_^

Sort of cross-posted to bad_rpers_suck.

iemote: argh wtf rage, roleplay is awesome

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